It’s me

My name’s James Clubley and I’m a rising sophomore at Rice studying electrical engineering. Outside of the classroom, I play rugby, a little bit of hockey, and surf or kitesurf when the conditions allow for it.

Coming into 200, I’m hoping for much of the same amazing experience that I got from ENGI 120. In 120, I worked with Re:3d, a houston-based 3d printing company, to help design a detector for pellet-fed 3d printers in order to detect when material has run out and stop the print before it fails. This experience taught me a ton about working with a team and a client, and also allowed me to play into some of my strengths. I handled a lot of the electrical design, as well as the CAD modelling for this project, both of which I had some experience with. We ended up creating a pretty cool solution, and Re:3d took our work and further developed it.

This year, I’ld certainly like to work on a more complicated project, something that really requires me to get a little more intimate with electronics and push me to use the knowledge of my elec classes. Also, I really need to finish my car build, which I’m supposed to be currently rebuilding in my garage. Its an ’89 porsche 944, but I blew up the engine.

In ENGI 200, I really want to put some elec skills to use, and get beyond the rudimentary electronics design that I used for my 120 project. While circuit board design is beyond the scope of the class, more complicated circuits in some prototypes is definitely a possibility, especially considering the well supplied room we have for electronic prototyping.


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