Food is Running Short…Might Not Make it

This week we started by going back to ULACIT and working on our 200 projects. Monday night we played pool again just like every other night. I got consumed in a book and quite frankly don’t remember anything else that happened during the week. It was a blend of working, reading, eating, playing pool, avoiding the rain, and annoying Sarah. Friday we observed butterflies and that was really neat. I liked the flora at the butterfly garden they had really cool plants and flowers. Friday evening we went out with some ULACIT students to get dinner and then hangout at a bar downtown. We all got sloshed on kamikaze shots in addition to jager and coke. Everyone had a blast dancing (especially Brendan) until we walked home around 1. Immediately upon arrival we order in MickyD and devoured soe chicken sandwiches and nuggets, a perfect end to a perfect day. Unfortunately we were unpleasantly awoken by my 7:30 alarm for our bus the next day. Boys trip officially began in earnest. Slightly light headed and very dehydrated we made it to the bus station only to find our Brendan had purchased bus tickets going FROM Jaco not TOWARDS it. So we stood. For 2 and a half hours. On an extremely windy road. My arms and hands had repeated stinging for several hours after. Once we got to Jaco we did some brief grocery shopping and then ubered to our hotel at Playa Hermosa only like 10 minutes away. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the black sand beach and attempting to surf. That night we ate at the bar next door and I think I fell asleep at 9:30. The earliest I have fallen asleep in over two years. On Sunday we met up with some of the girls and continued to enjoy the beach. I ran into other students from California some of which actually went to high schools that I competed against in athletics. It was a very funny reminder that the world is not all that big. For dinner we went out to very fancy sushi for Jakes last night. The bill was over 160 dollars. Afterwards we got some beers and went down to the pool to hangout. After enjoying ourselves for a bit we continued to the beach bar where apparently Costa Rica wide famous surfer parties are thrown on Sundays. Needless to say it was a very fun night. You will have to patiently await the end of this story in next weeks blog as it continues into very early monday morning…

Flowers at the Butterfly garden:

Dog I met at the butterfly garden:

The Bar we went to on Friday Night:

Jeff and James. Explanation unknown:

Jeff on his revenge arc at Playa Hermosa:

Douglas, Brendan, and Jeff being a happy family:

The beach party we went to.


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