Blog Post 1

Hello! My name is Emily Pena and I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I ended up at Rice through my scholarship Questbridge and was matched to Rice! I am studying Mechanical Engineering as I feel it’s the best major that suits me. I love designing, hands-on learning, and am math oriented for most of my studies. I grew up building my own toys and crafting things, so I feel like I’ve always been doing the engineering design process without realizing it. I love traveling and experiencing new things, so if I never had to work again, I would love to travel full time!

I chose to study abroad this semester because it was the  best way for me to gain credits for my minor without interfering with my major classes. It additionally safely allowed me to travel to countries I’ve never been before, affordably, while still learning and doing class work. Further, as I advance in my degree with internships and such, this is the perfect time to take advantage of this summer to get ahead in credits. 

Beyond the course I am most excited about trying the food, immersing myself in the culture, and absorbing all the beauty that is the Netherlands. When planning to explore a new city, I first do research and see major attractions, what’s there to do, find the most popular things, and then plan my trip accordingly. I think research and planning a little bit beforehand, can help save a whole bunch of money and stress for future Emily. There is nothing worse to me than not taking the time to read about customs, traditions, and lifestyle when visiting another country because I don’t want to seem too foreign or different. It also allows me to gain knowledge about what to do once I’m there. 


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