Madison’s Costa Rica Week 2

ENGI 350: experiences, observations

The beginning of the week had a very interesting start. We began on Tuesday with a hour lecture from Henrik von Scheel. I’m not going to lie to you: I maybe listened for 15 minutes max. My take away was that Henrik thought he had everything figured out, and I’m honestly not sure he does. A lot of his beliefs seemed implausible and  oversimplified. He also used a lot of buzz words and weird metaphors that made his points more confusing. After the talk I realized that not only did the other iseed students come to similar conclusions they were angered by his persuasion tactics. We were able to question him after the lecture be we couldn’t seem to get anywhere because he went on so many tangents. He did highlight the fact that chatGBT could have some unknown harms, and that teachers are vitally important which I feel had some truth.

The rest of ENGI 350 has been a grind. We spend the rest of the week working on need statements and testing plans. I thought both assignments taught me a lot about needs finding. I feel confident I could make a great testing plan or need statement project proposal after going through the project in this class. The UCLACT students were so nice and welcoming.

Costa Rica week 2: Free time recap

I have absolutely loved this week! I have had food poisoning this week which is a little unfortunate, but honestly very manageable. Although I wasn’t able to take part in trying foods, I still was able to go on the excursions and enjoyed being with my classmates. This sickness forced me to be responsible, and I went to the store to multiple times to get materials to make food and drinks that would not make the food poisoning worse (BRAT diet + chicken breast). Some fun stuff we have done this week is Karaoke at Selina. Erin, Victoria, Summin and I preformed “just the way you are” by Bruno Mars which was so fun. Erin is an amazing singer!!! Luke, Elliot, Leo and Charlie preformed a song by the Backstreet Boys which is so on brand. Luke did some dancing too which really took the performance to the next level. On Wednesday, we celebrated Benj’s birthday and Charlie’s last night in Costa Rica. We went to a fancy pizza place and then attempted to finish a bottle of cacique while playing hot seat. I started working out with Erin this week which has been so fun (her pistol squat is insane).

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