Week 2 (3)!

The Monday before class we went on a food tour around San Jose, where we got to try a lot of interesting fruits. My favorite was the granadilla fruit (passion fruit) which had the appearance of a sack of alien eggs but tasted like heaven on earth. We walked around the 2 main markets in San Jose, seeing witch-craft stores, and famous 1-flavor ice-cream shops. 

The first thing we did at ULACIT listened in on guest speaker Henrik von Scheel’s hand-wavey spiel on his predictions for the future. Although I didn’t find his speech, particularly infuriating (I was more just surprised he had gotten this far with such B.S. talks), a few of my classmates did, and we had a lively discussion on his talk for the first half of class. After that, we got into a bit of a heated discussion, but it was well worth out time, since a few of us felt very passionate about it.

During 350, I was into my 3rd week in Costa Rica. Leo and I worked together on a rigorous testing plan to push a Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) device to its limits. We made tests to drop it, shake it, and drench it, with no regard for the safety of the device. Unfortunately, we didn’t prepare ourselves for the fact that in 200 we would be updating/creating a new prototype for the device, and having to test our precious baby in these dangerous ways! 

For a couple of days, we had lunch in the cafeteria downstairs, but we expanded to off-campus restaurants for the last few days. We tried going to an empanada place, but they somehow were out of those, so I ordered a burger combo. The burger combo tasted like a microwaved frozen burger, and the “ketchup” was this weird transparent red goop, sat next to a salty thick yellow substance.

After that monstrosity, the next day on Friday, half of us with to a little cafe that Madison found and I had a nice steak, potatoes, and salad for only $12! As many of my classmates noticed, I was eagerly awaiting bowling on Friday. Dr. Wettergreen started me off strong with 2 strikes, but I missed the turkey, and unfortunately only hit a spare. I finished pretty strong with a 153, which is a really good score for me! I am dragging people back to the bowling alley at least once while we’re here.

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