Costa Rica Continues

The second half of ENGI 350 began with a bizarre guest lecture and a warm welcome from ULACIT. Henrik Von Scheel, the self-proclaimed “godfather of industry 4.0” came to speak. While some have lauded his ideas as visionary, I found him to be more of a demagogue and thought he used buzzwords to cover up his shallow thoughts. Regardless, the appearance led to a lively and intellectual conversation, even though his contributions were shallow. We then turned out attention to writing testing plans for previous OEDK projects where I worked with IWound, a low-cost negative pressure wound therapy device. My main takeaway was that many people go easy on their projects in the testing phase and ought to be less afraid of damaging them too truly push them to their limits.


My further impressions of Costa Rica have been great. I now feel like I have gotten a good sense of what the country is about. From visiting Arenal, el Rio Pacuare, Drake Bay, and now San Jose, I have gotten to see food, culture, and nature across the country. The last week was mostly in the city and I don’t have as many interesting photos so enjoy the pictures of these delicious beef tacos I made as well as me swimming with a shark earlier on my trip.

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