I Saw Emily in Paris!!!

After a delayed train ride in first class, we arrived in Paris around 9:00 pm. Once we got off the train there was already a big difference from our experience with transit in Amsterdam. Now that there were no longer signs in English, google translate and Liam’s French skills became our guide. The funniest part about our adventure to the hostel was navigating through the metro doors with all of our luggage. Liam taught us how to scan our ticket through the entry gate and then how to time running through the open doors. I was a little nervous with my slightly larger than carry-on baggage and backpack because I had watched a few people get caught in the doors before me. The doors didn’t care if you were still between them… they would close no matter what. After hyping myself up and scanning my ticket, I managed to quickly run through the thin passageway and yank my luggage through before the gates closed behind. 

Once we got down a few flights of stairs and made it to the actual metro, I was excited by the bustle and sounds underground. We all lined up in front of the doors and got ready to hop on the train. We learned from the doors earlier that public transit in Paris doesn’t wait for you or your luggage. I wasn’t expecting the train to move as rapidly as it did. I could feel a decent amount of wind on my face while gripping the arm bar above my head for stabilization. 

First Time on the Metro

After seeing Paris in the daytime, I can’t wait to explore more. One thing I am most curious about is the possibility of a boat tour on the river. I wonder if the canal cruise we did in Amsterdam is anything like touring the river in Paris. I loved being able to see the city from a different vantage point and hope we get the opportunity to do the same here too. 

Before arriving in the City of Light, I had high expectations for the food, sights, and art but low expectations for the people. My perceptions of the people in the city weren’t great going into the trip because I had heard many stories about how unwelcoming Parisians are. I had heard great things about other aspects of Paris from my grandma who teaches French. We also discussed how important it is to go into a new country with empathy and respect. My only other perspective of Paris is from the show Emily in Paris which I realized is hilarious because another fabulous mechanical engineer on the trip is named Emily!!!

POV: you literally saw Emily in Paris

I am most excited to chill and enjoy coffee and pastries at cafes after class. I hope to feel more present and focused on smaller moments in my day while I am here. Paris seems to help remind people to look around and really soak in every moment. 

After talking with my grandma about places she recommends visiting, I am very excited to go to the Arc de Triomphe as well as a flower market near Notre-Dame. I imagine walking around the market smelling different bouquets before going back to a cafe near the Cathedral. I would then enjoy a hot chocolate with a croissant while watching people go about their day.

I sign off after just eating the best burger of my life with the crew. Things are looking up!!!

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