1st week in Paris

Summarizing my first week in Paris I would use the phrasing “familiarly novel”. I would use this phrase because walking through the city feels very familiar to when I visited as a child, however this is a very new experience almost as if it was my first time seeing everything. I think that my time here added upon my initial idea of what Paris would be like before coming. I didn’t have much of an idea before coming, however I thought that the city was much less walkable. This has since changed since visiting the city is very traversable either by public transit or by walking. 

This week has been full of memorable moments. One moment that I will remember clearly walking through the markets eating the various produce being sold. I really enjoyed this experience, it was a very different environment from what I have seen in america. The vendors are very friendly and open, a few were also offering free samples. The fruit was also very affordable and fresh. I tried redcurrant for the first time which I rate 10/10. We also tried some meats which were also very tasty. 

One activity that we did that I think will shape my memories of this trip is eating. Eating food and discussing the problems that we were facing I think added to our understanding of the problem. I think that this is also a unique case in which the problem that we are facing has to do with food and so eating helped us understand. In general I think somehow placing myself into the clients shoes, and seeing the problem from their viewpoint is very important when approaching the designing process. I like the approach of a rapid design process in these teams. 

Our current prototype still needs work. We just finished gathering our materials and have begun planning out our method of testing and building our prototype. We need to address the securing mechanism for the meat as well as a method to ensure that each cut is the same length and can be removed easily. I had good confidence that we will be able to develop a medium fidelity prototype that shows the concept of our design. 

If this project continued to go forward I can see it becoming an actual product. Not just for those who lack mobility but for those who would like to make their own charcuterie board and would like to have better control of the thickness that they cut. 

Throughout the process I feel as though we have been very successful in working well together and coming up with ideas, questions, and solutions. My favorite part of the design process so far has been brainstorming solutions. I think that I enjoyed this process the most because it is a very creative process during which absurd ideas are also welcome.  

I think that my biggest positive moment or highlight would be going through the markets. It was a very positive atmosphere and felt very welcoming and was fun to peruse. On a different day we went and got lunch in the market which was amazing and cheap. I like the overall atmosphere that it created at the markets. I feel as though I stepped into a small new word within the city. 

I would recommend to students planning to take this trip that they should get tickets for the things that they want to do before they arrive. Many places get booked quickly so havinga ticket ahead of time is very helpful. In addition to this, I would recommend that they come here with an open mind ready for new experiences and new ideas. It can feel like alot is going on but enjoy the new experiences. 


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