I am Gwyneth Perez, a rising Junior Civil Engineering Student at Will Rice. Some things to know about me is that I play 8 instruments, I used to own a business for a few years, and I have been a barista for four years now! I also work at the on-campus coffee shop, Chaus, and as a Rice Tour Guide.
I am currently pursuing a certificate with RCEL at Rice. I just finished Research for Urban Sociology, a particularly interesting subject to me. Here, I studied Urban Gentrification in the neighborhood I am from:

Me with my Urban sociology research
Engineering consulting and leadership are both intriguing to me. I am also interested in Area II, hydrology. I am not sure what sector exactly, ie. water purification, hydraulics, etc. My academic goals at Rice include experimenting with all sectors to understand which one is for me. Through iSEED, I hope to do this. Also, iSEED is an experience for me to reach beyond the classroom. I am a person who learns in a hands-on way, so being able to talk and interact with experts is also a way for me to fully learn and understand concepts, especially with engineering design.