Blog Post 1

Hello! My name is Sienna and I am a rising senior from Sid Richardson College. My hometown is Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. I’m studying Cognitive Science, Kinesiology, and Data Science. I was originally interested in the intersection of technology and games, but I have since shifted to the human factors engineering sector. I’m interested in either the aerospace area or the medical area, specifically the gamification of robotic rehabilitation. However, I also have an interest in green solutions and enjoy learning about sustainable architecture and systems. If I never had to work or study again, I would enjoy traveling the world thinking of innovations for green solutions. I would love to experience as many different cultures and foods and visit various landscapes. 

I chose to study abroad because I am interested in comparing the designs in Europe to America and gaining some inspiration and insight into new design solutions. A goal of mine was to take this course and ENGI 200, but I wasn’t able to fit it into my schedule so these were the perfect courses for me to take over the summer, abroad. I am excited to explore Amsterdam and identify differences in culture and innovations.

At first, I was nervous meeting the University of Amsterdam students today. However, after we broke into groups, it was easy to meet the three students in my group. They were really friendly and offered good ideas during our trend analysis activity. Since they’re not from the Netherlands, it was difficult to specify our analysis to the Netherlands. However, we all researched the trends of each category and were able to bounce ideas off of each other. 

After lunch, we went to AMS Institute where we heard from different presenters about some of the start-up projects they are working on. It was cool to learn about new technologies, where they started, where they currently were, and where they plan to go with their ideas in the future. I’m excited for the next few days to work with the students from the University of Amsterdam as well as explore more of Amsterdam!

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