Already Halfway Into My Time in Costa Rica

Time has flown by, and I am halfway through my time in Costa Rica. To be honest, it feels like I didn’t get to really explore the country yet because of the long classes and workload. Hopefully, we will get to find more cultural experiences in the next two weeks.

Here are the things I did in the past week:

On Monday, we went on a walking food tour through San Jose. We started in the middle of the city where the three big banks are, then made our way to the market. Our tour guide explained that it was the first official market in the country, which was interesting. We then had the opportunity to try around a dozen distinct fruits. My favorites: mango, pipa (young coconut), and passionfruit. We then walked to another market, where we saw a pet shop with a screaming rooster, puppies, kittens, chicks, and a bunch of other animals. In the same market, we ate spicy ice cream and ceviche.

Walking around the city, we visited the National Theatre, which was built with heavy European influence. In the end, we ate tamales and then made a plantain & mozzarella empanada.

Watercolor paintings we made at Selina:


This week, we concluded our days of ENGI 350 with Dr. Wettergreen and started our ENGI 200 projects. So far, the work has been rigorous, as we have so much content to cover. It feels like speedrunning a project, which I have mixed feelings about. Yet, I am excited to see where Izzie, Benji, and I’s medical & musical device goes in the next two weeks.

On Friday, we finally went bowling with Dr. Wettergreen. I admittedly had a rough start, but I pulled through with some good bowls at the end.

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